
双语秀   2017-04-18 16:13   140   0  

2013-9-18 08:56

小艾摘要: The Chinese government has intensified its crackdown on the internet, describing online criticism of the ruling Communist party as illegal and airing a televised confession from one of China’s most p ...
The Chinese government has intensified its crackdown on the internet, describing online criticism of the ruling Communist party as illegal and airing a televised confession from one of China’s most popular online commentators.

An article in yesterday’s edition of the influential party journal Seeking Truth described online criticism of the party and government as “defamation”, while Chinese-American investor and internet personality Charles Xue appeared on state television in handcuffs on Sunday to praise legislation that in effect criminalises online dissent.

The moves are part of a campaign launched in recent weeks by newly installed President Xi Jinping to stifle calls for political reform and assert control over the country’s unruly websites.

Mr Xue, who has 12m followers on the Twitter-like Sina Weibo, was arrested in August for allegedly hiring prostitutes for group sex sessions, but most analysts and even senior officials say his arrest was intended as a warning to other web personalities.

There was no mention of the prostitute allegations in a 10-minute segment shown on China Central Television on Sunday, during which a chastened Mr Xue described how he had contributed to an “illegal and immoral” atmosphere on the Chinese internet.

“I felt like the emperor of the internet,” Mr Xue said when describing the thrill of speaking directly to more than 12m followers. “How do you think that felt? Awesome.”

The shackled Mr Xue also praised a legal interpretation issued by China’s judicial authorities last week, which allows people to be prosecuted for defamation or “spreading online rumours” if their posts are viewed by 5,000 internet users or forwarded more than 500 times.

The latest regulations are intended to “achieve the good social effect of attacking the extremely small minority and educating the large majority” to “standardise their online words and deeds”, the government said last week.

Those found guilty of online “rumour-mongering” can be sentenced to up to three years in prison.

Defenders of the rules say they are necessary to protect individuals from libel and to stop the spread of false rumours that can lead to public panic.

The most important target of the crackdown, however, appears to be criticism of the government and the Communist party.

“The use of information networks to commit provocation and other such crimes has created grave destruction of social and public order,” Chinese judicial authorities said in an online explanation of the new rules.

“Acts of jeering and stirring up trouble easily lead to mass incidents and create grave upsets of public order.”

The vague and broad definition of online criminality includes “triggering upsets of public order”, “causing vile social influence”, “causing vile international influence” and “harming the country’s image”, according to the interpretation.

In practice, the crime of “stirring up trouble” has often been used to silence political activists and critics of the Communist party or leaders.

“With this legislation the party is trying to regain ownership over public discourse,” said one normally outspoken politics academic at one of China’s leading universities, who asked not to be named because of fear of reprisal.

“It is equally important to the party to control both public opinion and the barrel of the gun.”


颇有影响力的中共党刊《求是》昨日刊登的一篇文章,将网上批评中共和政府的行为描述为“抹黑”。另外,美籍华人投资者、网络名人薛蛮子(Charles Xue)戴着手铐的镜头周日出现在央视上,他称赞了一项新出台的、实际上将网络异议定义为犯罪的法规。




谈到与1200多万粉丝直接对话有多令人兴奋,薛蛮子说,“感觉像皇上一样...... 个人的虚荣心得到极大满足,逐渐就飘飘然了。”














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