
双语秀   2012-06-16 17:48   101   0  

2012-3-13 17:26

小艾摘要: North Korea's Rodong Shinmun appears to have learned a lesson from the terrible capitalists gossip sells!On Sunday, North Korea's biggest newspaper reported that 'the buzz' in Pyongyang was that South ...
North Korea's Rodong Shinmun appears to have learned a lesson from the terrible capitalists gossip sells!

On Sunday, North Korea's biggest newspaper reported that 'the buzz' in Pyongyang was that South Korean President Lee Myung-bak 'dropped dead.' People started clapping and dancing in 'subway stations, bus stops and many villages nationwide,' the newspaper said.

'Our editorial department is getting numerous calls from people who clearly want to confirm the news,' the paper also wrote. 'We are not sure where the buzz came from, but one thing is sure is that it is the hope of people who love justice and hate injustice and a stern judgment toward the South Korean traitors.'

The Rodong Shinmun story was laced with a few profanities, and ended with the admission that it couldn't confirm that Mr. Lee was dead. But it used the opportunity to declare him 'virtually dead' and noted that South Koreans have even protested Mr. Lee's presidency.

The story, which also appeared on the newspaper's Korean-language Web site, was picked up by some South Korean media on Monday. It wasn't translated into English, however, nor condensed and re-transmitted by the Korea Central News Agency. On Monday, KCNA produced a short item of public reaction to the Rodong Shinmun story, saying the rumor had driven people to 'an ecstasy of joy.'

On Saturday, KCNA sent out a re-written version of another Rodong Shinmun story about a nickname that Mr. Lee's political opponents in South Korea have used for him since he took office in 2008.

The nickname 2MB is a variation of Mr. Lee's initials, LMB, that uses the Korean-language letter for 'L,' which looks like the Roman number 2. Mr. Lee's opponents have called him 2MB to suggest that he isn't very smart since 2 MB (megabytes) of computer processing power or data storage is quite small these days.

Rodong Shinmun, though a bit late to the party, thought this was very clever. '2MB is indicative of a very small memory capacity that can hold two minutes of songs in MP3 and about 10 seconds of video,' the newspaper wrote, according to the KCNA account in English. 'Traitor Lee earned this disgraceful nickname for his abnormal thinking power.'

North Korea’s propaganda campaign against the South Korean government, particularly Mr. Lee, has been particularly aggressive since the start of the month.

Creative and entertaining, too. The North’s media has taken to quoting citizens lashing out in colorful language. From one dispatch earlier this month: Jang Jong Suk, a woman in Jungdok-dong, Phyongsong City, South Phyongan Province, said, “Being a woman, I am good at killing dogs. I wish I could go to Seoul and kill the dog called Myung Bak.”

On March 4, the North’s authoritarian government staged a huge rally in Pyongyang where soldiers held signs that threatened Mr. Lee with death. North Korean media spent days criticizing reports that a group of South Korean soldiers used a picture of Kim Jong Il during a target practice. Then, it released photos and video images of its own troops shooting at drawings that purported to be Mr. Lee.

Some analysts speculate it’s an effort by the North to create some anxiety in South Korea and assert some influence in South Korea’s parliamentary election next month. (If Mr. Lee’s conservative allies lose power, the ruling liberal parties may open up the aid and money spigots to the North.)

Another potential reason is that South Korea and the U.S. are engaged in one of their twice-yearly joint military exercises, a period when North Korea routinely steps up its verbal barrage.

Another theory holds that the new government of Kim Jong Eun is responding to graffiti criticism that’s been reported in several cities in North Korea since last September. In those instances, according to reports on North Korea defector-related Web sites, citizens painted or spray-painted phrases that variously praised Mr. Lee or disparaged the passage of power to another generation of the Kim family.

Mr. Lee hasn’t directly responded to the North’s propaganda campaign. But in a meeting with Korean newspaper editors on Monday, he rebuffed critics who claim his North Korea policy has weakened Seoul’s position with Pyongyang. He noted that North Korea has, for instance, stopped seeking extreme increases in payments for the Kaesong industrial complex and has recognized that it hasn’t been able to create a wedge between U.S. and South Korea.

Evan Ramstad
朝鲜报纸《劳动新闻》(Rodong Shinmun)似乎已经从可怕的资本家那里学到了一课:八卦有市场!

Reuters/KCNA3月4日朝鲜民众在平壤举行反韩集会。右边的标语牌写的是“打倒李明博”。周日,朝鲜国内最大的报纸《劳动新闻》报道说,平壤城内热议的话题是韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)“暴毙”。《劳动新闻》说,朝鲜人民在地铁站、公交车站和国内许多村庄击掌跳舞,以示庆贺。



同时出现在该报朝鲜语网站上的这则报道周一被部分韩国媒体转载。朝鲜中央通信社(Korea Central News Agency, 简称:朝中社)没有将这篇报道翻译成英文,也没有对报道进行压缩和转发。周一,朝中社刊发一篇短消息,描述了朝鲜民众对《劳动新闻》这篇报道的反应。文中说,这则传闻让朝鲜人民欣喜若狂。





这些宣传也富有创意和娱乐性。朝鲜媒体已经开始引用老百姓骂人的下流话。本月早些时候的一篇报道引用平安南道平城市Jungdok-dong妇女Jang Jong Suk的话说,作为一个女人,我擅长杀狗;但愿我能到首尔去杀了那条叫明博的狗。






Evan Ramstad
