【英语国际】美国庞氏骗子 他国罗宾大侠?

双语秀   2012-06-16 17:48   120   0  

2012-3-12 20:14

小艾摘要: In an interview outside his office, Harold Lovell, Antigua's finance minister, said, 'We have suffered tremendously as a result of this entire episode.''A skilled conman can pull the wool over just ab ...
In an interview outside his office, Harold Lovell, Antigua's finance minister, said, 'We have suffered tremendously as a result of this entire episode.'

'A skilled conman can pull the wool over just about anybody's eyes,' added Karen de Freitas-Rait, a member of the board of directors of Antigua's Financial Services Regulatory Commission.

In addition to losing its chief benefactor, Antigua has found itself facing lawsuits, as well as a crisis of confidence from the international community, where some say it deserves a share of the blame.

Antigua is beginning to unwind its dealings with Mr. Stanford and more than 20 entities he operated. Mr. Lovell said the government has addressed issues 'where there may have been failings.'

Yet to many members of the working class in Antigua, a nation of roughly 90,000 people whose average per-capita gross domestic product is half that of the U.S., Mr. Stanford got a raw deal.

'It is just a pity,' said Yvonne Destin, as she set up her stand in a bustling part of town selling T-shirts and hats. Her stand is surrounded by a branch of the former Bank of Antigua, once owned by Mr. Stanford, and a plot of land where he planned to build a multistory office.

'I'm so sorry they are going to lock him up. He was a really good, important man,' she said.

Mr. Stanford's attorney, Mr. Scardino, said it was obvious from testimony that Mr. Stanford 'was important on the island' of Antigua.

'My goodness, he was poised to do a lot for them and he did a lot for them,' Mr. Scardino said. 'He gave a lot of people jobs. The infrastructure he was putting on the island would have developed with roads and bridges. The tourism he would have brought in would have been huge had he been able to complete the project.'

Some islanders said they were victims. 'I hope he has to stay over there' in the U.S., said Leiprecht Heiduun, 65, an island tour guide, who said she lost pension money as a result of the collapse.

But many others are forgiving of Mr. Stanford. At a marketplace near where tourists flock from cruise ships to buy souvenirs, some of the salespeople said they cried when they heard the news of his conviction.

'If he stole from the rich, he gave it to the poor,' Nathalie Massicott, 62, said.

Mr. Stanford in 2008 paid out $20 million in prize money to the winners of a single cricket match in Antigua. It was one of the highest-profile events ever on the cricket-loving island, bringing excitement and pride to islanders.

Although Mr. Stanford was considered rich─Forbes in 2008 estimated his wealth at $2.2 billion ─ he was seen by the working classes as a friend of Antigua as he laid out his vision for the island over the past two decades. People shared stories of his frequenting local shops.

Gaston Browne, a political leader, said Mr. Stanford fell 'prey to his own ambitions,' but he also could 'understand the sympathy that would be paid to him.'

As Sandra Walker, 53, served food on the street in St. John's, she called Mr. Stanford, 'Robin Hood to the West Indies.'

Ms. Walker, recalling when Mr. Stanford would come into a store that she once ran, said the accusations against him were a 'shock,' but added that 'if you do commit a crime, you should do the time.'

Copyright (c) 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
斯坦福(R. Allen Stanford)上周被定罪,罪名是策划一桩71亿美元的庞氏骗局,由此确定了他作为史上最出名的公司罪犯之一的地位。

Steve Eder/The Wall Street Journal德斯廷(Yvonne Destin)在城中一个繁忙的街区搭着贩卖T恤衫和帽子的小摊。她的摊位周围是前安提瓜银行的一个分支机构和一片斯坦福原计划建造办公楼的空地。但在他的第二祖国安提瓜和巴布达,人们对他的事情的看法仍存在深刻的分歧。



这位美国得克萨斯人于2006年在安提瓜被封为骑士,他是这个国家最大的私人雇主,拥有强大的影响力。斯坦福有一个多元化企业集团,旗下曾有航空公司、银行、餐馆和该国最大的报纸。即便现在,他的名字还出现在安提瓜的“斯坦福板球广场”(Stanford Cricket Ground)上方,这是他在10年前花了几百万美元修起来的。安提瓜银行(Bank of Antigua)一度为斯坦福所有,后来被一家地区性银行接管。

斯坦福律师之一斯卡尔迪诺(Robert Scardino Jr.)说,很多人喜欢他。斯卡尔迪诺提到,斯坦福给安提瓜的慈善事业捐献了数千万美元,另外还曾给政府贷款数百万美元,同时还撑起了当地一家银行。斯卡尔迪诺说,斯坦福的愿景要是得以实现,将会给所有人带来巨大的经济利益。

2009年,美国检方和证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)控告斯坦福捏造高额回报,以吸引全世界投资者从安提瓜斯坦福国际银行(Stanford International Bank Ltd.)购买虚假存单。他被控侵占投资者数十亿美元资金,并将部分所得投资于他控制的企业。

检方在他接受审判时声称,他曾通过行贿安提瓜一位监管人员和一位外部审计师掩盖自己谋划的骗局。检方说,斯坦福和安提瓜监管人员金(Leroy King)曾用“血誓”来掩盖他们的犯罪合作。金的一位律师拒绝置评。


斯坦福帝国的坍塌对安提瓜来说是一个沉重打击。斯坦福拥有美国和安提瓜双重国籍,而且仍然是安提瓜最大的业主之一。安提瓜领导人说,这个前英国殖民地可能要用一代人的时间才能恢复形象、理顺各种商业交易并完全复苏。斯坦福的高级餐厅“Pavilion”已经关闭,另一家餐厅“Sticky Wicket”由新的管理层运营。

安提瓜财政部长洛弗尔(Harold Lovell)在办公室外接受采访时说,我们因为这整件事而遭受了严重损害。

安提瓜金融服务监管委员会(Antigua's Financial Services Regulatory Commission)理事Karen de Freitas-Rait说,一个诡计多端的骗子能够骗过几乎任何人的眼睛。




德斯廷(Yvonne Destin)在城中一个繁忙的街区搭着贩卖T恤衫和帽子的小摊。她说,这很遗憾。她的摊位周围是前安提瓜银行的一个分支机构和一片斯坦福原计划建造办公楼的空地。斯坦福曾拥有安提瓜银行。




一些岛民说,他们是受害者。65岁的岛上导游海顿(Leiprecht Heiduun)说,我希望他不得不呆在美国。她说,由于这件事,她失去了退休金。


62岁的马斯考特(Nathalie Massicott)说,他劫富济贫。



政治领袖布朗(Gaston Browne)说,斯坦福成了自己雄心壮志的牺牲品,但他也可以理解人们对斯坦福的同情。

53岁的沃克(Sandra Walker)在圣约翰的街道上卖食品。她称斯坦福是西印度群岛的罗宾汉。


