
双语秀   2012-06-16 17:44   128   0  

2012-3-1 15:04

小艾摘要: Hundreds of start-ups are presenting advanced energy technologies at a Department of Energy conference this week. Their early-stage efforts are funded by a government grant program, called ARPA-e, but ...
Hundreds of start-ups are presenting advanced energy technologies at a Department of Energy conference this week. Their early-stage efforts are funded by a government grant program, called ARPA-e, but what happens next is a difficult question.

Will many of these useful and interesting U.S. technologies die on the vine because there won't be capital to take them further. Will they be bought and developed abroad?

Bill Gates, who spoke on stage at the conference, remarked on the tremendous lack of funding in this space, pointing especially to the government. 'It's crazy how little we are funding this energy stuff.' He also said that giving a little bit of money and making it seem as if that's practically all that's needed is a disservice.

'If we are underestimating how hard it is, we wind up underfunding,' said Gates.

Gates was not optimistic on the success, saying 90% of such novel energy projects will fail. 'We need a thousand companies,' he said, to test concepts to increase the chances of a truly meaningful technology breakthrough. But who will go in backing companies of such risk? Gates himself has a couple small bets -- he is an investor in Terrapower, a nuclear-technology start-up.

Yuliya Chernova

AFP/Getty Images比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)美国公司研发的这些有用且有趣的技术中,难道很多都将因为没有后续资金支持而胎死腹中?这些技术有没有可能被国外公司收购并到海外去做进一步开发呢?

在会上发表讲话的比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)就谈到了美国能源领域资金匮乏的情况,而且还特别提到了美国政府。他说,看看能源领域获得的少得可怜的资金吧,简直荒唐。他还说,政府仅提供了一点钱,而且还要把这点钱弄得像是能源领域需要的全部资金,这是在帮倒忙。



Yuliya Chernova
